Wednesday, July 11, 2012

“Well played at the NAACP, Candidate Romney, exactly the strategy I would have recommended, were I so morally debased (or financially blessed) as to be advising you. The 'boos' were especially propitious, so much so that I suspect they were voiced by stooges you hired for the occasion ….” After all, the NAACP was not Romney's audience; they are not going to vote for him no matter what he says. No, Romney was playing to the Reagan 'moderates,' the self-styled 'independents' and 'centrists' with their quiet forty-year-plus resentment towards agitating minorities, displaying himself as the 'reasonable' and 'gracious' statesman while making the mau-mauing Obamanistas appear as angry radicals stuck in the 60's. Clever. Ugly, but clever.

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